Interior Design

How to Find the Right External Colour Scheme for Your Home

How to Find the Right External Colour Scheme for Your Home

Choosing the right external colour scheme for your home is an endeavour that demands careful thought and consideration. Unlike interior walls, which can be easily repainted, an exterior paint job is a long-term commitment that influences not just how your home looks, but also how it feels. So, how do you go about choosing the right palette for your home’s façade? Here are some guidelines to steer you in the right direction.

Assess the Existing Elements

Before you dash off to the paint shop, take a good look at your home’s permanent features, like the roof, stonework, or any exposed bricks. The colours you select should complement these existing elements. Often, neutral colours tend to work well with various types of materials, but you can always opt for contrasting shades to make these elements pop.

Consider Architectural Style

The architecture of your home plays a significant role in determining the suitable colour scheme. A Victorian home may look marvellous with an intricate palette of multiple colours, while a modern minimalistic design might best be adorned with simple, monochromatic hues. Research homes with similar architectural styles to get inspiration and consider working with colour coating specialists such as Kolorseal.

Be Mindful of the Surroundings

Consider the broader context of your home. Are you in a lush, green environment, or a busy urban area? The colours you choose should harmonise with your surroundings. For instance, earthy tones may suit rural settings, while bold, eye-catching colours could be more appropriate for a bustling urban locale.

Test, Test, Test

Don’t rely solely on paint swatches or digital previews. Paint a small, inconspicuous area of your exterior and observe how the colour looks at different times of the day and under various lighting conditions. Colours often appear differently outdoors, and this step will give you a more accurate representation.

Play with Accents and Trims

A well-thought-out accent colour can add charm and depth to your exterior. Consider using contrasting colours for the door, window trims, or shutters. Just be careful not to go overboard; too many colours can make your home look chaotic.

Consult the Colour Wheel

A basic understanding of the colour wheel can guide you in selecting complementary or analogous colours. Complementary colours are opposites on the wheel and create a vibrant contrast, while analogous colours sit next to each other and offer a more harmonious look.

Seek Professional Advice

If you find it challenging to decide, consult a professional. Many paint stores offer free or affordable consultations. Exterior designers and architects can also provide expert recommendations based on your home’s architectural style, surroundings, and your personal preferences.


Today’s market offers a range of eco-friendly paint options. Not only do these choices have a lower environmental impact, but they often come in a broad array of long-lasting, vibrant colours. Opting for sustainable products allows you to be both stylish and responsible.

Final Touches and Iterations

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, consider creating a digital mock-up or consult with a professional for a rendering. Take your time to reflect on your choices. Remember, this is a long-term investment, both in terms of finances and aesthetics.


Choosing the right external colour scheme for your home may seem daunting, but it’s an exciting opportunity to showcase your taste and add value to your property. It’s about harmonising with existing features, taking cues from the architectural style, understanding the influence of the surroundings, and injecting your own personality into your home. Happy painting!